Certified Classification Specialist ™
Become your organization's classification expert
Learn how to classify and to defend your classification code with any customs agency around the world
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Learn how to classify and to defend your classification code with any customs agency around the world
Requiring accuracy in Harmonized System (HS) classification globally is a necessity, yet one of the most difficult tasks corporations face today. SNCG's 5-day Certified Classification Specialist™ (CCLS™) course was developed to address this challenge and offer companies the opportunity to train multiple key personnel together to ensure a systematic approach is taken to properly classify all product lines.
This course provides a detailed approach to mastering the use of the Harmonized System (HS), ensuring accuracy for classification on a global basis. The CCLS™ course is the only course offered globally that provides in-depth understanding of how to defend your classification code with any customs agency around the world. The course offers a testing plan to confirm your knowledge and understanding of how classification rules work, as well as how to classify and defend classification decisions.
Focus is on the correct classification of product at the heading level, with each section highlighted through developed forms and questionnaires by product type that allow a classifier to seek and secure necessary product descriptions to ensure proper classification. Specialized course material will ensure any classifier can work through section and chapter notes with ease by interpreting and highlighting the most difficult sections. Decision trees will guide classifiers in this process, allowing classification to be completed at the subheading level.
Earning the CCLS™ designation supports a strong compliance program and moves a company toward a strong reasonable care process that is defendable for customs purposes. As classification is the basis of most free trade agreement qualifications, participants will be well suited to develop a program with greater benefits to the company.
Leading experts will show participants the most effective way to accurately classify thousands of products. The methodology created for the CCLS™ course will provide you with an accurate process to develop an HS decision tree.
Participants will also get a deeper review into specific subject categories for the following commodity groups:
1. Chemicals and pharmaceuticals
2. Textiles
3. Machinery, electronics, automotive and precision technology
4. Parts and accessories of plastic, glass, rubber and metal for all industries
What you will learn
After completing this certification course, you will be able to:
1. Discuss the General Rules of Interpretation
2. Discuss the HS and how it is organized
3. Discuss the HS numbers and proper coding
4. Discuss Sanction and Chapter Notes, which have meaning “throughout the tariff.”
5. Identify “basket headings"
6. Discuss identification of external classification guidance, such as Explanatory Notes
7. Address and prepare effective Binding Ruling Requests
8. Document and defend your classification
9. Discuss “difficult to classify merchandise,” including kits